Happy New Year! Take a deep breath. Take another deep breath. And one more. I needed that! How about you?
This month, I will focus on sending out tax and pledge statements – some of you will receive multiple pledge statements, based on the ways in which you contribute to your pledge – in the postal mail. Ginny Landes continues her training in the office on the bookkeeping for the weekly deposit and bill pay, and she has started working with the Combined Campaign team to support them.
As Ginny and I ramp up support for the many projects that impact the office, we will also be working on flexible schedules that help us better meet your needs for us to be present at evening meetings. Best to email ahead if you need to meet with one of us, even briefly.
In the coming months, I will take on more communications work as Ginny takes on such things as the month end processing, and we will start figuring out how to transition to temporary space – it’s not too early to start planning.
The Communications team will be looking at how to best use social media and other tools to support your communication with each other while the renovations are taking place. I suspect we’ll want to know what social media you are enjoying, and what would you like to learn about.
If you’re interested in talking about this with me, drop me a line at officemanager@bvuuf.org.
And always, thanks for communicating!
Carol Pranschke, office manager
“I love to hear from you!”