This Week’s Highlights
Sunday Service: September 15th
(Services at 9:00am and 11:00am)
- “From Social Animals to Community Creatures:
The ‘Why’ of Beloved Community”
Rev. Lydia Ferrante-Roseberry, Preaching; Katy Wiley, Worship Associate
Music: Matt Smiley and his trio will present a modern take on traditional Klezmer-themed music.
- To read more about this month’s theme of “Beloved Community”,
- This Sunday’s Half Plate will support Boulder Valley Community Action Network’s dues to Together Colorado, which acts for social justice in our state and within local communities to improve healthcare, including mental healthcare, immigrant rights, education, and safety. We work with a community organizer to empower our congregation to act on our values of democracy, and the inherent worth and dignity of all human beings. BVCAN is now addressing the need for mental health care access, and invites all to show support by attending the public meeting on September, four-year tuition-assistance scholarship for college or vocational school.
- Check out the latest Religious Education Update!
Please contact us if you have any questions, thank you!