Beauty: Retaining Awe & Wonder Throughout Life

An Auction Service bought by Debbie Lane. Watching her young grandson frolic around, Debbie Lane asked Rev. Lydia to ponder: Is it important to keep a sense of wonder as we age? What do we do to keep this sense of wonder alive? Is it important to share this idea with younger people today? Is it harder for children to have this sense of wonder and awe kept alive in the age of iPhone, etc? Children will join us for the first part of the service, which will include a “Time for All Ages” and releasing the covenant of AJ van Tine.

This is also Father’s Day.

For All Ages, Rev. Lydia:

Releasing The Covenant With Our Intern, AJ van Tine:

“Beauty is in the Details”, Christiane Olivo:

“Cultivating Wonder”, Rev. Lydia Ferrante-Roseberry:
