Speaker: Christiane Olivo

Principle #5: The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process

Today we reflect on Principle #5: Right of Conscience and Use of the Democratic Process. In the country many people claim is the greatest democracy on earth, where have we fallen short of the democratic ideal? Where are there opportunities to move beyond the common belief that democracy only means voting? What would it mean … Continue reading Principle #5: The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process

Wholeness: Wabi Sabi

In traditional Japanese aesthetics, wabi sabi is a worldview centered on the acceptance of the imperfect, impermanent and incomplete. As we end our month of exploring the theme of wholeness, we will use the teachings of wabi sabi to reflect on how we might embrace imperfection in ourselves as a means of accepting our whole … Continue reading Wholeness: Wabi Sabi

Myth and Memories: Lessons from Hard Times

We are going through historic hard times right now, and we have before.  What stories do we remember from difficult times and what lessons do we pass down?   “Remembering Hope”, Christiane Olivo:   “Lessons Across Generations”, Janet Meyer:

A Community of Creators

Do you think of yourself as creative? What have you created in community? What do we create together?   “Connecting Through Creativity”, Christiane Olivo:     “Co-creating in Community”, Rev. Ruth Reinhardt: