Throughout our history, UUs have had many cautionary tales and missed opportunities in the moments when people of color tried to lead. What do we learn from these historical experiences, and how do we integrate these learnings into how we weave a more inclusive collective story for the 21st century? We’ll look at our shared history and Rev. Shana will share some of her personal history as a lifelong UU of color.
Rev. Shana is a co-minister of the First Unitarian Church of Victoria (BC) , along with her wife, Rev. Melora Lynngood. She is a 1999 graduate of Starr King School for the Ministry (as is Rev. Lydia). Rev. Shana has served congregations in Madison, Wis. and Washington, D.C. Among other things, she served on the UUA’s Ministerial Fellowship Committee for eight years, which she also chaired for two years.