The Fellowship is Here for You

June 17, 2020


As we continue to adjust to pandemic life, I remind us once again that the Fellowship is here for you.  Although we can not meet in person as we used to, and won’t be able to for quite some time, we have multiple ways to stay connected. I hope you are joining into our 10 am Sunday Services.  In addition, state and county guidelines are permitting outside gatherings, with physical distancing precautions.  Check out the BVUUF calendar for opportunities to gather safely. (Organizers of events — don’t forget to update the calendar!)  

I understand that gathering outside may not feel comfortable for some of you, for a variety of reasons. We are committed to providing a virtual option for any Fellowship-wide event (like the Open House — see below). And we are asking all small groups to please be considerate of all of your members’ needs before choosing an outdoor option.

We continue to have zoom gatherings and meetings, which have proven to provide more connection and even intimacy than any of us thought. And, of course, don’t forget the old fashioned telephone! Staying connected remains our primary goal as a congregation.

At the same time, we are also learning how to sharpen our ‘outer focus’, even during pandemic times. Many of us are deeply concerned about the recent killings of Black people by the police, by the ongoing climate crisis and the upcoming election, to name a few of our justice-oriented initiatives. We are working to get the Fair Tax initiative on the ballot, showing up to local NAACP meetings, getting the vote out, and doing a variety of other things. Keep an eye out for how you can keep involved!

I hope these beautiful summer days are providing some respite from the harsh realities around us. Lean into summer, allow yourself to recharge, even as you step into new roles and experiment with new things. Connecting with beauty and experiencing joyful moments refill the well for the work ahead. 

May you be well, and stay well,

Rev. Lydia

Open House 

We invite you to visit Boulder Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on Saturday, June 20, to:

  • Explore the building and our beautiful grounds.
  • Bring a pen and take part in social justice action. Sign the Fair Tax Colorado petition if you have not already done so.
  • Bring your paper cranes if you still have them to participate in a spiritual homecoming, and
  • Safely socialize with your Fellowship friends!

The doors are open and welcoming between 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. this Saturday.

Please RSVP here for a time slot to join us Saturday, June 20 to tour the building. 

In an effort to maintain social distance and to allow people to enjoy seeing our new building, we ask that you sign up for a five minute entrance slot with up to three family groups per slot. Please follow these simple guidelines to enhance your visit:

  • Be at the Ceres Drive parking lot a couple minutes before your time slot.
  • You are welcome to wait in the shade of the apple tree or building until you are let in by a member of the Hospitality team.
  • Remember to wear a mask, and bring a mask for each person attending (over age 3).
  • In accordance with the guidelines for places of worship, we will maintain 6′ distancing between members of different family groups and masks will be worn at all times.
  • One restroom will be available for all genders. This bathroom has 5 individual stalls with toilets, as well as a changing table and 4 sinks.
  • If you or someone in your family unit is part of a vulnerable population*, in accordance with the current State and County Safer at Home guidelines (currently the same) you are encouraged to stay home. However, we are taking steps to adhere to safety protocols throughout this event, and it is up to your discretion to determine the best course of action for your family.
  • Please remember to practice patience and respect throughout your visit.

*Individuals who are 65 years and older; individuals with chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma; individuals who have serious heart conditions; individuals who are immuno-compromised; pregnant women; and individuals determined to be high risk by a licensed healthcare provider are considered vulnerable under Executive Order D 2020 044

If anyone in your household has experienced any cold or flu-like symptoms please stay home, let us know if you need any support, and get a COVID-19 test. Free testing is now available for anyone experiencing symptoms.

If you cannot be with us physically for any reason, consider joining a virtual tour of the building with Kitty Kaler, School of the Spirit Teacher. The tour runs live from 10:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at this zoom room (room opens at 10:20 a.m.). At the same time, the tour will be livestreamed from our Facebook page at

We look forward to welcoming you to our new spiritual home! There is more work to do in moving back in, but we hope you enjoy your visit today.

Looking ahead

We wanted to be sure to have this open house before our regularly scheduled July slow-down. More than any other year, staff (and I think leaders too!) will need this time to catch our breath. Our Lifespan Faith Formation Director, Jessica Laikeman, and Music Director, Tad Koriath, are on 11 month contracts and usually take much of  July completely off. Carol and I will both be taking vacation in July as well. 

Therefore, in order to keep safe, allow staff time to settle into the building and take needed time off, there will be no meetings inside the Fellowship in July. Any outside meetings at the ‘ship must be staffed by an employee, because they will know all the protocols, have access codes, etc.  without needing to connect with other staff.  I hope you will be understanding of this need.

You may be hearing that other congregations are opening their doors. We will continue with our Zoom services this summer, and will not be having live services in our building at this time. Remember, we have the added complexity of moving into our building, and training on all the new systems. We also want to be sure to have all Fellowship-wide events accessible virtually, which is a whole other set of learning tools. The Worship and the Arts Council is in discussions now about what those options are for the fall. I know that may be disappointing for some, but accessibility to Fellowship services and safety for everyone are our primary concerns. 

Rev. Lydia’s Schedule

June 22 — 28:  I’ll be at Virtual Ministry Days and Virtual General Assembly.  I won’t have office hours, or be at any meetings. I am available by text for time sensitive matters and any pastoral care. (720-272-8284) I don’t expect to be checking email that much. 

June 29 – July 17:  Available, as usual.

Office Hours:

Tues. June 30 1:30 – 3 pm

Wed. July 1  7 — 8:30 pm

Thurs. July 9 1:30 – 3 pm

Thurs. July 9  7 – 8:30 pm

Tues. July 14  1-2:30

Thurs. July 16  10-11:30

July 18 – July 31:  Vacation. I am available by text for pastoral care only.  I’ll have an email responder with details about who to contact in my absence.

Aug. 1 — 10  Study Leave/Planning time.  I won’t be available for regular meetings.  Please text me for time sensitive matters and any pastoral care.