Topic: Generosity

Generosity to Self

To be generous in life, first be generous with yourself. Let your inner voice be as kind and loving to yourself as your outer voice is to others. Come prepared to relax, meditate, smile and LOVE yourself, you lovable human! You are invited to bring blankets, pillows, yoga mats, teddy bears, or other comfort items. … Continue reading Generosity to Self

Bread Service: Traditions of Generosity – ALL AGES

Annual All Ages Bread Service. Come one, come all to the Annual Fellowship Bread Service! Those of you coming in person, bring a bread from your family’s traditions to share. Those on Zoom, have a morsel of bread near you for the service. Led by Rev. Lydia Ferrante-Roseberry and Gail Biek. Zoom Service Recording

Day of Remembrance

The Art of Grieving: No one gets through life without loss and grief. There is no right way to grieve, it is as unique as each individual. And yet, there are tools to support one through grief. Rituals, like our annual day of remembrance is one. And so are other art forms. In this service … Continue reading Day of Remembrance