Topic: Vulnerability

Tell the Preacher What to Preach: Mysticism as Spiritual Vulnerability

On this Sunday, we explore those experiences that take us beyond the ‘rational’. Experiences that are shared by many humans, and either revered or reviled in many religious traditions. We’ll look at it through the lens of our Unitarian Universalist history and our first source, which invites “direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder, … Continue reading Tell the Preacher What to Preach: Mysticism as Spiritual Vulnerability

Rev. Lydia’s Favorite Historical Unitarian or Universalist – Francis Ellen Watkins Harper

In this “Tell the Preacher what to preach” auction service, Silvine Farnell asked Rev. Lydia to share about her favorite historical Unitarian or Universalist. That’s definitely Francis Ellen Watkins Harper — (September 24, 1825-February 22, 1911), an African-American writer, lecturer, and political activist, who promoted abolition, civil rights, women’s rights, and temperance. She was a … Continue reading Rev. Lydia’s Favorite Historical Unitarian or Universalist – Francis Ellen Watkins Harper