I am extremely pleased to announce that the donation our Fellowship received from King Soopers for the July 1 to September 30 three-month period was $1,024.90 and we have 79 households selecting BVUUF as their charity. This is in comparison to the previous three-month period in which we had 34 households selecting BVUUF as their charity and the donation we received was $445.01. As you can see we more than doubled both our number of participants and the amount we received from King Soopers!
A sincere “Thank You” to all of you King Soopers shoppers who signed up for the King Soopers Community Rewards program naming BVUUF as your charity! If you are not a King Soopers shopper please note that Amazon, Safeway, and Vitamin Cottage have charitable donation programs based on their customers’ shopping. Please contact me via email at treasurer@bvuuf.org for more information on these merchant programs. Also, if you are a King Soopers shopper but have not yet signed up for their Community Rewards program and would like your shopping to benefit BVUUF at no cost to you, please contact me at via email for instructions on how to enroll and name BVUUF as your charity.