If you make your pledge payments by having your bank send a check to BVUUF from your account or if you make your pledge payments from your IRA, please be sure to change our address with your bank or brokerage firm. Some financial institutions send checks with “return service requested” or “address service requested” noted on the envelope. If the address on those items is not our current P.O. Box address, the Post Office does not forward those items to us but returns them to the sender. We have recently learned of two pledge payments from a member that were returned to the sending bank, we think, because they were mailed with “return service requested” to our street address rather than to our mailing address. Our mailing address is now
P.O. Box 428
Lafayette, CO 80026
To insure your mail gets to us in a timely manner, please change our mailing address with your bank, your brokerage firm, and in your own personal contact list. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me via email at treasurer@bvuuf.org.
Thank you for all the ways you are generous to our Fellowship!
Joan Mulcahy