Hey Youth and Parents!
If you liked BVUUF’s mini-retreat on Spiritual Adventures, come check out any Sunday at SpiritJam! The School of the Spirit offers multi-generational workshops called Jams that relate to the congregation-wide theme. Middle and high school youth are invited participate and help lead the activities!
In Our Whole Lives we have explored healthy relationships, friendships, and sexual expression. Coming of Age folks have explored God beliefs and issues that youth face.
The Mission Trip for this year has been cancelled based upon low enrollment. Thanks for your interest and support.
We’re starting to think about next year already! Please let me know if you are interested in being involved in Youth Ministry in the future!
Upcoming events:
2015 Youth Leadership Conference
When: Saturday, March 14th and Sunday, March 15th
Boulder Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship will be hosting the 2015 Mountain Desert District Youth Chaplain Training!
Who: high school Youth and Adults who want to partner with them
What: To learn invaluable life skills of affirming and emotionally supporting our UU youth by helping manage crises, ensure a healthy and safe environment, and bringing spiritual resources and support to the various communities in which you reside.
When: March 13 at 5pm- March 15 at 9am
Where: Boulder Valley UU Fellowship
SUPPORT NEEDED: I will need your support in preparing food (costs are refundable) for this important event. Please sign up here!
School of the Spirit: Parent Circles
What: Reflection, Sharing and Support guided by the monthly theme.
Who: Specifically for parents, and other important adults in a family.
Facilitated by Katie Covey, Director, School of the Spirit
When: Sundays, 9 and 11 a.m. once a month, drop-ins welcome!
Where: BVUUF, Meet 9 a.m. in Thoreau Rm or 11 a.m. in Barnum Rm. – your choice!
Feb. 8 – Reason: Explaining life and death to a child.
March 15 – Trust: Balancing safety and freedom.
April 12 – Redemption: Making mistakes; not being perfect.
May 3 – Calling: The call to nurture, what is a parent’s role?
For more information, contact Katie Covey.
BVUUF Peace and Justice Summer Day Camp
For our 9th annual camp, we go GLOBAL through our collaboration with PeaceJam. PeaceJam’s mission is to create young leaders committed to positive change in themselves, their communities, and the world through the inspiration of Nobel Peace Laureates who pass on the spirit, skills, and wisdom they embody.
- Dates: Sunday, May 31 – Friday, June 5, 2015
- Location: BVUUF
- Adult Leaders: Rachel Setzke, Camp Director; Rachel Stevenson, Counselor Manager; Rev. Lydia Ferrante-Roseberry, Minister; with the Peace Jam Instructors!
- Camp Employment: Counselors (High School) and CIT’s (Middle School) fill out the Online Application!
In “Peace and Justice Camp” each counselor and CIT team is responsible for about 6 children. Counselors attend counselor meetings each morning with the Counselor Manager at 8:30 a.m. for 15 minutes. CIT’s meet for 15 minutes at lunch time with the Counselor Manager.
They sit with their group for morning and afternoon chapels, shepherd them through the activity rotations in the morning and afternoons, and make sure that the children are safe and enjoying their camp experience. We are committed to an enjoyable, respectful and creative camp experience for everyone involved, and invite you to apply!
For more information about the camp, see the BVUUF Camp Website.
Circle Seekers: Middle School Retreat (with High School Counselors)
What: Middle School Retreat for 6o 6th-8th graders from around the Mountain Desert District
Keynote Event: Special Guest Speaker, Performer, & Workshop Leader Jasmine Pickner-Bell, member of the Crow Creek Dakota Sioux Tribe and World Champion Hoop Dancer who travels the globe performing and instructing the Sacred Hoop Dance.
Where: At The Unitarian Universalist Church of Cheyenne, 3005 Thomes Avenue, Cheyenne, WY 82001
Middle School
When: Saturday, February 21 10AM—Sunday February 22 9AM
Who: Open to all MDD youth in 6th –8th grades
Cost: $30 Per Person
Registration: Fill out this form and return it to me by February 14.
High School Counselors
What: High School Counselors (grade 10+) help to facilitate the middle school retreat and gain leadership skills
When: Friday, February 20, 2015 at 8PM—Sunday February 22 9AM
Cost: FREE!
Registration: Fill out this form and return it to me by February 14.
For more information: See the flyer or contact Jennifer Heater (307-421-8092)
Summer Seminary
Please save July 29th-August 3rd in your calendar for Summer Seminary! Summer Seminary is a national spiritual leadership opportunity for Unitarian Universalist youth (current grades 10-12).
The purpose of Summer Seminary is to provide an opportunity for youth to explore what it means to be a religious professional in a Unitarian Universalist context. This year we are proud to announce a partnership with the Pacific Western Region and our hosts will be Iliff School of Theology in Denver, CO.
Summer Seminary’s program focuses on topics such as discernment, UU theology, UU History, faith formation, music ministry, chaplaincy, and more. You can find more information about Summer Seminary here and find videos and reflections from the previous two years on the UUA’s Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries blog BlueBoat (Including one with me!).
If you have any questions about Summer Seminary, please contact Bart Frost or Jennica Davis-Hockett.
UU Summer Camp: Quuest/Spirit Quuest
What: An awesome summer camp where there are
- Workshops & immersion experiences exploring beloved community
- Times for personal reflection & developing your spiritual practice
- Field games, crafts & swimming every day, bonfires every night
Spirit Quuest (rising Middle School): July 12 – 18, 2015
Quuest (rising High School): July 19 – 25, 2015
Where: Our location is changing to the awesome Buckhorn Camp. It is in Bellvue Colorado. This shift benefits the campers and staff in many ways.
Campers: Middle Schoolers entering 6th, 7th or 8th grade in 2015-16 = Spirit Quuest
Campers: High Schoolers entering 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th or graduating in 2015-16 = QUUEST
Director: The One, the Only, the Amazing Beth Chronister will direct Spirit Quuest and Quuest Camps.
Registration: QUUest or Spirit Quuest – All 5 steps are due by June 3rd
If you would like more information about or would like to be involved in this vibrant ministry, please fill out the Boulder Youth Contact Form.
Emily Conger, Youth Coordinator
School of the Spirit
Boulder Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Email Me