How You Can Financially Support the Fellowship:


Our Fellowship is dependent on the generosity of members and friends of the congregation to meet the annual operating budget.  Please return printed pledge forms to your steward or to the office at

Other Ways to Give

In addition to pledging, you can financially support the Fellowship in a variety of ways – drop a little money in the offering plate on Sundays, purchase a book from our book cart during our coffee hour, donate a car, or make a legacy gift. See the links below for more ideas and options, including the popular Credit Card option.

Car Donations

Credit Cards

Donate by Text

Grocery Rewards Programs

Planned Giving

Stock: Appreciated stock (held more than one year) makes an excellent way to maximize charitable contributions. Because of capital gains, the  donor receives a greater benefit by transferring the appreciated stock directly to BVUUF. Please contact the office before initiating a gift of stock.

Paypal: Login to your Paypal account and send the amount of your donation to

Thank you for your generosity.