Topic: Renewal

After the Good News: Renewing Our Faith

As a part of the liberal church tradition, Unitarianism and Universalism espouse an optimistic, ‘we can do it’ orientation to life. It can be a catalytic force for good in the world. At the same time, without examination, our faith can promise a shallow hope and a lack of humility, especially in challenging times. Today … Continue reading After the Good News: Renewing Our Faith

Renewing Our Covenant: Fall Merging the Waters

Followed by an opportunity for you to bring your water into the sanctuary. Join Rev. Lydia, Tad Koriath, Jessica Laikeman and Service Associate Irene Faivre for a very special Water Ceremony where we ask ourselves “What does it mean to be a people of renewal?” Rev. Lydia’s Meditation for Collecting Water for the 9/20 Water … Continue reading Renewing Our Covenant: Fall Merging the Waters

General Assembly Recap: Renewing Denominational Experiences

Join Rev. Lydia and some of the members who went to UUA General Assembly (GA) in June as they share inspirations and insights from this first ever Zoom GA. We’ll take a look at our history, and how we move forward stronger. Led by Rev. Lydia Ferrante-Roseberry and Scott Youmans, Vice President of the Board and … Continue reading General Assembly Recap: Renewing Denominational Experiences