Speaker: Irene Faivre

Renewing Our Covenant: Fall Merging the Waters

Followed by an opportunity for you to bring your water into the sanctuary. Join Rev. Lydia, Tad Koriath, Jessica Laikeman and Service Associate Irene Faivre for a very special Water Ceremony where we ask ourselves “What does it mean to be a people of renewal?” Rev. Lydia’s Meditation for Collecting Water for the 9/20 Water … Continue reading Renewing Our Covenant: Fall Merging the Waters

Sources: Teachings of Dharmic, Indic and Taoist traditions which influenced early Transcendentalists

In the early 1800s, translations from the traditions of India and East Asia were filtering through Europe and across the Atlantic where they inspired our Transcendentalist ancestors, especially Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. We’ll spend time reflecting on teachings from these traditions, their impact on the Transcendentalists, and their continued influence on Unitarian … Continue reading Sources: Teachings of Dharmic, Indic and Taoist traditions which influenced early Transcendentalists

All Souls are Sacred and Worthy

This week’s Jagged Rock: All Souls are Sacred and Worthy. As I speak those simple words, I feel my heart swell. Such deep truth. Such good news. All souls are sacred and worthy. Even mine. Recorded Zoom service

Salvation in This Life: Easter Reinterpreted

On Easter Sunday, we explore the Jagged Rock: Salvation in THIS life. This theological stance set Unitarians, in particular, apart from their liberal Christian siblings. How does it change our lives to be called to create the Beloved Community here and now? Recorded Zoom service

Stewardship Sunday: What does it mean to be a community of resilience?

On Stewardship Sunday, we’ll explore the science of resilience and ask: What does it mean to be a community of resilience? How does our Fellowship nurture and inspire us for living in these times? Special music will be provided by congregational musicians Josh Laikeman and Clara Kelley. Click to view the Order of Service “Opening … Continue reading Stewardship Sunday: What does it mean to be a community of resilience?

Making Room for Awe in the Season of Tinsel

Tis the season . . . for overdoing it! More than any time of year, December is filled with invitations to over-eat, over-shop, and over-extend. Sure, a little overindulgence is warranted now and again. But the real treasure in life isn’t in all the stuff we’re manipulated into believing we ‘need’, but in simple ordinary moments. Today, we remind ourselves to notice what most inspires us during this season. The Fellowship Choir will sing songs of awe, highlighted by the ethereal Eric Whitacre piece, “Glow.”

Attention: Bread Service — A Knock at the Door

As we gather in our annual all ages bread service, we will reflect upon welcoming the stranger. Join us as we celebrate our ancestral traditions through story-telling and breaking bread together. Please sign up using the link in the eWeekly to bring bread from your family’s tradition to share. “Setting The Table”, Jessica Laikeman & … Continue reading Attention: Bread Service — A Knock at the Door