Speaker: Brigitta Vieyra

The Courage to Name our History: The Unitarians and the Utes

In the 1870s, the American Unitarian Association (AUA) accepted an invitation from the Federal government to have Protestant congregations take over the management of American Indian reservations and agencies. The hope was to cut down on government corruption while still trying to ‘civilize’ the Indians. Unitarians were given charge of the district covering the Colorado … Continue reading The Courage to Name our History: The Unitarians and the Utes

General Assembly: Circle ‘Round for Justice, Courage and Healing

Circle ’round in care and healing; for liberation and justice; and for love and courage. You’re invited to keep the momentum going to continue the mission of our faith. BVUUF members who went to the 60th annual General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations will share inspirations and insights from the annual gathering … Continue reading General Assembly: Circle ‘Round for Justice, Courage and Healing

The Stories We Learn From

Do you remember the stories you heard as a child? The ones with lessons in them. In today’s service we will explore the sacred stories of our past, our present, and maybe even our future. Recorded Zoom service

Nourish: Brunch Church

What’s brunch church, you might ask? It’s a combination of brunch and church! It is an opportunity to nourish bodies and spirits through food and ritual. Meal-based church invites us into deeper connection with our community. We’ll gather together for a worship service that includes a meal, embodied activity, music, and small group discussions. We … Continue reading Nourish: Brunch Church

After the Good News: Renewing Our Faith

As a part of the liberal church tradition, Unitarianism and Universalism espouse an optimistic, ‘we can do it’ orientation to life. It can be a catalytic force for good in the world. At the same time, without examination, our faith can promise a shallow hope and a lack of humility, especially in challenging times. Today … Continue reading After the Good News: Renewing Our Faith