Topic: Stillness

Seeking Inner Stillness

 What is the point of sitting in stillness if the voices in our heads keep up an incessant chatter about our regrets, embarrassments, inadequacies, anxieties and fears? Let us seek an inner stillness. as Christopher and Paul Brynteson, Service Associates.  Recorded Zoom service

Christmas in Colorado: Christmas Eve Service with Front Range UU Congregations

We are One Body Beyond Our Walls: A Joint UU Christmas Eve Service All are welcome to join us as we celebrate Christmas together. We are featuring “The Christmas Story in Three Movements” – wonderful music, created collectively by UU music ministers from across the Denver Metro area. Also including a new Christmas telling focused on … Continue reading Christmas in Colorado: Christmas Eve Service with Front Range UU Congregations

Winter Solstice

With the longest night of the year comes the opportunity to welcome the beginning of a new year and increasing daylight. Darkness gives us time to rest and make ready for renewal. Where in our lives do we need more rest, and what is ready for renewal? Recorded Zoom service

When Hope is Hard to Find: Holiday Evening Contemplative Service

Do the darker days bring you down? Do you feel adrift during the holiday season? Or is this simply a difficult year for you? This annual evening service allows you the opportunity to share some of the more challenging parts of this holiday season in an intimate setting. Together, we lighten each other’s burdens and … Continue reading When Hope is Hard to Find: Holiday Evening Contemplative Service