Speaker: Clare-Marie Wall

General Assembly

This past June 2024, the Unitarian Universalist Association held its virtual General Assembly, during which the ratification of a new Article II was held. Six delegates from our Fellowship who attended the GA will gather for a Round Table of GA Joys and Concerns, sharing their varied experiences and fielding questions from the Fellowship congregation. … Continue reading General Assembly

Calling Spiritual Seekers: Covenant Groups

Consider joining one of our Fellowship’s Covenant Groups, the small group gatherings of BVUUF members and friends. Through deep listening and conversation, covenant groups provide community and support during monthly meetings. Led by Clare-Marie Wall, Mary Ann Lawler, Maggie Kerrigan and others. Zoom Service Recording

The Polyphony of Unitarian Universalism

Polyphony—the interweaving of distinct melodies—is an apt metaphor for our UU quest to explore, question and honor the world’s many paths toward spiritual and moral truths. With Service Associates Clare-Marie Wall and Eric Williams. Zoom Service Recording

Tranformation: If They Say No, I’ll Go Anyhow

The first Black Unitarian Minister, the Rev. Egbert Ethelred Brown, started a Unitarian congregation in Jamaica in 1908 before moving to Harlem in 1920, where he founded the Harlem Community Church. The AUA provided sporadic financial support, then took away his ministerial fellowship in 1929. His story highlights our faith’s failures—and Brown’s resilience in the … Continue reading Tranformation: If They Say No, I’ll Go Anyhow

Looking Back in Delight

We humans are a funny species, so many of us are prone to look back at all the ways we wish things had gone, all the things we should have done better. Today, we will look back in delight — at all the wonderful moments of our lives. Zoom Service Recording

Creative Resistance: You Are Not Alone

Resistance is sometimes started but rarely ended by one person; we all join together to create change in this world. Our creative minds, when joined with others, make their own kind of magic. Let us explore some examples of creative resistance. Zoom Service Recording

Easter: Practice Resurrection

On this Easter Sunday, we look deeply at the meaning of ‘resurrection’. What could it have meant to the apostles of Jesus? And what can it mean for us? Are there ways we can ‘practice resurrection’ in our lives today? Masks required today. Zoom Service Recording