Topic: Intention

Martin Luther King, Jr. – The Faith of a Prophet

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King is remembered as a great civil rights leader, perhaps the greatest our country has ever known. His incredible courage and prophetic imagination were rooted in a deep faith. Today we’ll explore how his faith was anchored in a deep connection to God, and a love of reason that he encountered … Continue reading Martin Luther King, Jr. – The Faith of a Prophet

The Ways We Grow

Join us as we roll out our new Lay Pastoral Care Associates Program and look at the ways we grow as a caring congregation and as human beings.      “Brownies Fix Everything”, Janet Meyer:     “The Ways We Grow”, Rev. Penny Rather:

Intercultural Every Day

We are so much more diverse than we often think!  Join us today, on Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend,  as we look to strength in difference.  Perhaps you will think about yourself differently.     Reflection 1:     Story:     Reflection 2:

Mini-retreat for all generations

4th Annual New Year’s Mini-Retreat: “Spark Intention: Explorations in Spiritual Practice” With contemplative activities to soothe the soul, enliven the heart, and inspire action. Join meditation, justice-oriented activism, art, a walk to Waneka Lake, or guided walking meditations. Sessions begin at 9 & 11 a.m., with coffee and bluegrass gospel music at 10 a.m. Bring friends!