Speaker: Rev. Penny Rather

The Stories We Learn From

Do you remember the stories you heard as a child? The ones with lessons in them. In today’s service we will explore the sacred stories of our past, our present, and maybe even our future. Recorded Zoom service

Balance and Religious Pluralism

We will look at how we Unitarian Universalists balance our own beliefs with the beliefs of others in our congregation and in our world, and consider how our faith tradition responds to the promise of pluralism. Led by the Revs. Catharine Harris and Rev. Penny Rather, with Pete Wernick, Service Associate. “Our Common Ground and Our … Continue reading Balance and Religious Pluralism

The Ways We Grow

Join us as we roll out our new Lay Pastoral Care Associates Program and look at the ways we grow as a caring congregation and as human beings.      “Brownies Fix Everything”, Janet Meyer:     “The Ways We Grow”, Rev. Penny Rather: