Speaker: Rev. Ruth Rinehart

The Only Constant is Change

Whether it is seasons, life passages, governments, ministries — the only constant is change.  Join us as we reflect on how to stay grounded and spiritually nourished when the ground beneath our feet is shifting. Zoom Service Recording

Love Liberates Change

As we journey from the comforting embrace of settled ministry to the unfolding path of interim ministry and then a new settled minister, we are invited to discover the guiding force of Love in this liminal space. Inspired by timeless tales and contemporary frameworks, we will delve into the profound potential for the chaos, confusion, … Continue reading Love Liberates Change

Exploring the Seventh Principle: Respect for the interdependent web of all existence

How do we welcome into our deepest being the deeply interconnected and interdependent web of life, when so much of our external lives are bombarded with chaos and division? How do we live our best integrated lives when so much of our culture is reductive and specialized (i.e., science, health care and medicine, education, professional … Continue reading Exploring the Seventh Principle: Respect for the interdependent web of all existence

Blessing of Goodbyes

In the Great Cycle of Life, people come into our lives and go out of our lives. Join us for Rev. Ruth’s final sermon, as she says goodbye and offers a glimpse of her next ministry.  Rev. Ruth preaching; Scott Youmans, Service Associate.    “Bouquet of Blessings”, Scott Youmans:     “Blessing of Goodbyes”, Rev. … Continue reading Blessing of Goodbyes

A Community of Creators

Do you think of yourself as creative? What have you created in community? What do we create together?   “Connecting Through Creativity”, Christiane Olivo:     “Co-creating in Community”, Rev. Ruth Reinhardt:

The Vessel of Transformation

On this Easter morning, on this April Fool’s day, come to beauty and beloved community at the Fellowship.  We will celebrate with our children at the beginning of the service, and we will explore emergence and transformation in our individual lives, our congregational lives, and the wider world we find ourselves in. 

Wild Geese

We live each moment in our bodies. Mary Oliver calls us to “let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.” Come. Join us this Sunday, fully embodied.

Making Room for our Future (one service only, at 10 a.m.)

Come join us for the fun and excitement of the Capital Campaign Kick-off! Please note that there is only one service offered on this morning, at 10 a.m.     “Introduction”, Beth Hensel     “Reflection”, Rev. Lydia Ferrante-Roseberry:     “Combined Capital Campaign Kickoff”, Rev. Lydia Ferrante-Roseberry & Rev. Ruth Reinhart:

Love and Covenant

Join us for our New Member Ceremony, and welcome our new community members into Love and Covenant, the Unitarian Universalist way.     Reflectione:     Sermon:

Intercultural Every Day

We are so much more diverse than we often think!  Join us today, on Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend,  as we look to strength in difference.  Perhaps you will think about yourself differently.     Reflection 1:     Story:     Reflection 2: