Topic: Living With Intention

Martin Luther King, Jr. – The Faith of a Prophet

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King is remembered as a great civil rights leader, perhaps the greatest our country has ever known. His incredible courage and prophetic imagination were rooted in a deep faith. Today we’ll explore how his faith was anchored in a deep connection to God, and a love of reason that he encountered … Continue reading Martin Luther King, Jr. – The Faith of a Prophet

From ‘Why is there Something Rather than Nothing?’ to ‘Why is it Always Something?!’

Once again, we are required to rise up to respond to another crisis in our community. The Marshall Fire crisis is coming within the context of COVID on a (hopefully short) upswing, ongoing mass shootings, our shaky democracy, and an escalating climate crisis, among other things.  It’s been a long time since things felt ‘normal’, … Continue reading From ‘Why is there Something Rather than Nothing?’ to ‘Why is it Always Something?!’

After the Fire

With the devastation and loss caused by the Marshall Fire, the theme for the Sunday service is changing. Tomorrow’s service will be a time of community connection, caring, and reflection. Following the service, during our normal “virtual coffee hour” time, the Caring Council will be offering facilitated breakout rooms where folks can share their stories, and connect … Continue reading After the Fire