A Remembrance of Body and Soul
On this Memorial Day weekend, we remember the losses of both the bodies as well as the souls lost to past battles. Zoom Service Recording
On this Memorial Day weekend, we remember the losses of both the bodies as well as the souls lost to past battles. Zoom Service Recording
“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” — Martin Luther King. In this service, we will explore the faith that enabled Martin Luther King to stay centered on love even in the midst of evil. Our Fellowship choir will be singing today as well. Zoom Service Recording
We can find Wonder and Joy even in the darkest week of the year. We will explore the many meanings that the dark of winter can have for us as we await the Solstice. We’ll also celebrate the beginning of Hanukkah – one of the holidays that bring light into the darkness. Zoom Service Recording
“Spiritual Exploration is our theme for today. We explore the impossibility of ever knowing absolute answers to theological questions, together with the benefits of being open to all possibilities.” Zoom Service Recording
Our society has taught most of us to focus on what is rational, scientifically provable, and part of our conscious minds. But inside us, as every psychiatrist since at least the time of Freud has acknowledged, there is much more intelligence that can have great bearing on who we are and what we do with … Continue reading What’s Inside Us: Trusting Our Dreams and Intuitions.
Bob Dylan offered in one of his songs the thought: There is no success like failure and failure is no success at all. We will parse that statement out to see what he meant. Dawna Markova wrote a poem titled “I will not die an unlived life, I will not live in fear of falling … Continue reading Autopilot – Who is the Person in the Mirror
Recorded Zoom Service Recording
What does it mean to be a UU? Whether you’ve been a UU for decades or days, this question can be a tricky one. We are a people with diverse beliefs and practices, and we have been this way since either Unitarianism or Universalism have been around. To identity oneself as a UU often defies … Continue reading Sources: Unitarian Universalist Heritage and History
We’ll celebrate Father’s Day by exploring the love and attention those who fathered us offer, as well as the cultural limitations put on many fathers that hindered their abilities to be the best they could be. Recorded Zoom service
One of the most beautiful values of living in community is sharing our wisdom with one another. Life has a way of teaching us, often the hard way, at each stage of our lives. From 10 to 110 each of us have learned something about life from our own experiences that, when shared, can add … Continue reading Wisdom: Sharing the Gift of Wisdom