Speaker: Dana Samani

Sources: Direct Experience

Direct experience is a wellspring for a life of faith where the everyday becomes luminous. Transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures, is one UU source. Join us this Sunday for a contemplative service as we explore stories of mysticism woven fine throughout UU history and still alive today. Recorded Zoom service

Principles and Practice: Where do we go from here?

We’ve spent the summer exploring “Principles and Practices.” In this service, we look back at how our Principles call us to live our lives. As a ‘living religious tradition’ that invites both inner and outer transformation, what’s needed now to keep the call of our Principles alive and tend to the needs of our challenging … Continue reading Principles and Practice: Where do we go from here?

Principle #3: Acceptance of One Another & Encouragement for Spiritual Growth

In this service, we will explore Principle #3: Acceptance of one another and encouragement towards spiritual growth. Let’s reflect on the wide varieties of journeys that we’ve all taken to get to this moment together. How can we open our hearts to learn from one another and honor the diversity of ways people grow? Led … Continue reading Principle #3: Acceptance of One Another & Encouragement for Spiritual Growth

Wholeness and Justice

In order to see the Big Picture, we must step way back. With an all-inclusive perspective, our perceptions become more-accurate. We may find surprises which affect us on a personal level, pointing us in new directions, and toward new actions.

Tempered Trust

Some say the universe will provide and take care of us, others view life as essentially nasty, brutish, and short. In this service, we will explore the basis of what is trustworthy in ourselves and the world.   “Trusting in Uncertainty,” Dana Samani   “Tempered Trust”, AJ van Tine:

Possibility and Pronouns

As part of our journey of being a “Welcoming Congregation” to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning +++ people, we have made this commitment: “We recognize that there is always something more to learn, and remain open to deepening our understanding about the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people”. Today, we dive into how the ‘pronouns’ conversation stretches us and widens our welcome.