Speaker: Rev. Catharine Harris

Holding History: The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, then and now.

Unitarian Universalism has a proud history of social justice work, linked to our theological roots in the inherent dignity of all people. Today we explore that history, focusing on the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee’s 80 year history living our UU values, and how we also contribute to making the world better. Recorded Zoom Service Recording

Courageous Love Transforms the World

In the third week of our series, we focus on the Jagged Rock: Courageous Love Transforms the World with a tribute to the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. For 80 years the UUSC has been on the forefront of social justice movements. Their humanitarian work focuses on collaborating with grassroots movements around the world to advance human rights and human dignity. The UUSC is one tangible, visible way that our courageous love has transformed the world.

Attention: Bread Service — A Knock at the Door

As we gather in our annual all ages bread service, we will reflect upon welcoming the stranger. Join us as we celebrate our ancestral traditions through story-telling and breaking bread together. Please sign up using the link in the eWeekly to bring bread from your family’s tradition to share. “Setting The Table”, Jessica Laikeman & … Continue reading Attention: Bread Service — A Knock at the Door

Balance and Religious Pluralism

We will look at how we Unitarian Universalists balance our own beliefs with the beliefs of others in our congregation and in our world, and consider how our faith tradition responds to the promise of pluralism. Led by the Revs. Catharine Harris and Rev. Penny Rather, with Pete Wernick, Service Associate. “Our Common Ground and Our … Continue reading Balance and Religious Pluralism