Speaker: Meri Gibb

Where Do We Come From? Where Are We going?

The actions and histories of our families in the generations before us affect our sense of who we are and our sense of belonging. Through our ancestors lives we can, perhaps, begin to understand where we are going. Zoom Service Recording

Music Sunday: Creative Reflections from the Last Two Years

Our Soul Matters theme for the month of May is Nurturing Beauty. At this service, we’ll look at the many creative ways we were able to nurture beauty to help get us through these last couple of years. And to help bring the beauty, we’ll celebrate with a Music Sunday, with special contributions from the … Continue reading Music Sunday: Creative Reflections from the Last Two Years

Yule: Engaging with Courage, Hope and Thoughtful Traditions

Many of the modern traditions observed at Christmas were first celebrated by Germanic people in Northern Europe such as : Giving of gifts, feasting, leaving food out for house elves, decorating houses with evergreens such as holly and balsam trees and burning candles. But there were other deeper aspects to the 12 day celebration which … Continue reading Yule: Engaging with Courage, Hope and Thoughtful Traditions

Relationships, Identities and Communities

Humans are not machines, built with distinct parts. We each belong to a set of complex communities and heritages that combine to form our unique identity. In honor of Indigenous People’s Day and LGBTQIA History month, in this service we’ll explore the intersectionality of identities and communities. Reflections from Zoom Service Recording

General Assembly: Circle ‘Round for Justice, Courage and Healing

Circle ’round in care and healing; for liberation and justice; and for love and courage. You’re invited to keep the momentum going to continue the mission of our faith. BVUUF members who went to the 60th annual General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations will share inspirations and insights from the annual gathering … Continue reading General Assembly: Circle ‘Round for Justice, Courage and Healing