Topic: Belonging

Where Do We Come From? Where Are We going?

The actions and histories of our families in the generations before us affect our sense of who we are and our sense of belonging. Through our ancestors lives we can, perhaps, begin to understand where we are going. Zoom Service Recording

Pajama Sunday! Widening the Path of Belonging: Preemptive Radical Inclusion

Our Welcome Words proclaim our highest ideals for being the beloved community. Yet, we live them imperfectly. In this service, we explore the concept of ‘preemptive radical inclusion’ — imagining that ‘everyone is already, and always, in the room’, and reflecting ahead of time about what different people might need to feel they belong here, … Continue reading Pajama Sunday! Widening the Path of Belonging: Preemptive Radical Inclusion

Annual Water Service: Flow!

Annual Homecoming and Water Ceremony! As we gather together for a new program year at the Fellowship, we celebrate the properties of water — how it flows, cleanses, and shapes its environment. What do we need now to flow as a community? Zoom Service Recording

Belonging: Belonging and Cultural Adaptability

On the edge of Halloween and All Saint’s/All Souls Day, we explore how sacred traditions meld and merge through time. When is this blending a natural progression of human expression, and when is it cultural appropriation — the erasing of the beautiful nuances of cultures that are already marginalized? This is New Member Sunday also. … Continue reading Belonging: Belonging and Cultural Adaptability

Belonging: Whose Are We?

Join us as we explore the interplay between community, connection and identity. What does belonging to this community say about us? What’s essential to who we are, no matter where we are? Tad Koriath, piano, and guest soprano, Emily Jaworski, will offers songs to inspire connection, belonging, and comfort. “Embracing Iconoclasm”, Jackie Olsen “Whose Are … Continue reading Belonging: Whose Are We?