Topic: Cultivating Relationship

Comings and Goings: The Everchanging Nature of Relationship

All relationships have movement. All relationships change. In this service we’ll explore how the act of cultivating relationship twists and shifts depending upon the flow of that particular relationship. We will also celebrate the Longmont UU Presence (LUUP) and the ministry of Rev. Emily Conger, as she prepares to leave her role as minister with … Continue reading Comings and Goings: The Everchanging Nature of Relationship

Relationships, Identities and Communities

Humans are not machines, built with distinct parts. We each belong to a set of complex communities and heritages that combine to form our unique identity. In honor of Indigenous People’s Day and LGBTQIA History month, in this service we’ll explore the intersectionality of identities and communities. Reflections from Zoom Service Recording