Topic: Resilience

Resilience and Grace: How to be a Grace Operative (New Member Sunday)

We often associate resilience with an inner trait. Today we play around with “Grace” the Soul Matters Sacred word for the month, and explore its connection to resiliency. Concepts of grace vary within our theology — from Henry Weiman’s non-theistic ‘creative interchange’ to James Luther Adam’s ‘god as the creative power sustaining meaning and goodness.’ … Continue reading Resilience and Grace: How to be a Grace Operative (New Member Sunday)

Resilience: Well Worn Love?

After the infatuation, after the honeymoon, after the passionate first few years, after the dreams of children or a place to call home, what keeps relationships together? On this Valentine’s Day weekend, we strip away the platitudes, and ask ‘what makes love last? “Entwined”, Eric Williams “Well Worn Love,”Rev. Lydia Ferrante-Roseberry “Love Lost,”Rev. Lydia Ferrante-Roseberry

Resilience: In Fresh Surprise of Love

In the month of resilience, what can our animals teach us about love and about how to bounce back from the unexpected? “Fawkes’ Burning Day excerpt from ‘Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets’, by J.K. Rowling”, Karen Griglak “Lessons in Love – from Cats,” Paul Gibb

Stewardship Sunday: What does it mean to be a community of resilience?

On Stewardship Sunday, we’ll explore the science of resilience and ask: What does it mean to be a community of resilience? How does our Fellowship nurture and inspire us for living in these times? Special music will be provided by congregational musicians Josh Laikeman and Clara Kelley. Click to view the Order of Service “Opening … Continue reading Stewardship Sunday: What does it mean to be a community of resilience?