Speaker: Rebecca Laverdure

Principle #6: the goal of world community with peace and justice for all

Today we look at Principle #6: The goal of world community with peace, justice and liberty for all. Sarah Jackson joins us from Casa de Paz to explore our sixth principle and reflect on how she lives it out through her work in reuniting families separated by immigrant detention. “Braving The Wilderness”, HollyAnne Griffin: “Casa … Continue reading Principle #6: the goal of world community with peace and justice for all

Trust: How to be an intergenerational community (all ages)

Congregations are one of the last intentionally intergenerational communities. Every week, all ages gather in our building for spiritual exploration and justice-making, but often end up in our own circles. And even when we do mingle, are we cultivating relationships of depth and meaning? Today, we explore the ‘hows’ of building beloved community across the … Continue reading Trust: How to be an intergenerational community (all ages)

Mystery: The hidden ‘them’ among ‘us’ – All ages

Help decorate the Mitten Tree! During both services, children load up the Fellowship holiday tree with store-bought or home-made mittens, hats, gloves and scarves, and donate them to the Emergency Family Assistance Association (EFAA) for the families it serves. So fire up those knitting needles or grab some extra items at the store and bring … Continue reading Mystery: The hidden ‘them’ among ‘us’ – All ages

Building Cathedrals: Personal and Communal Vision

Our vision guides our thoughts, intentions, and everyday activities, as individuals and as a larger community. As we embark on this year of transition, let us explore together how we have (or maybe need to) articulate both our personal vision and its interconnection with our Fellowship’s communal vision.   “A Vision Shared” and “Bricks, Walls, … Continue reading Building Cathedrals: Personal and Communal Vision

Moments of Emergence

At its root, “emergence” means ‘to bring forth, or bring to light, to arise’. Nothing new comes forth without some risk. Today, we wrap up the month’s theme of emergence looking at ‘moments of emergence’ and the possibility and risk they embody. Music by Falling for Annie. ONE 10 am service will be followed by a Congregational Town Hall Meeting, update on the Building Plans and Capital Campaign. You won’t want to miss it!