Speaker: Pete Wernick

Exploring the Seventh Principle: Respect for the interdependent web of all existence

How do we welcome into our deepest being the deeply interconnected and interdependent web of life, when so much of our external lives are bombarded with chaos and division? How do we live our best integrated lives when so much of our culture is reductive and specialized (i.e., science, health care and medicine, education, professional … Continue reading Exploring the Seventh Principle: Respect for the interdependent web of all existence

Reckoning with Boulder’s History of Treatment of Indigenous People, and Building Right Relationships Today

 As we remind ourselves each week, the Boulder Valley was for many years inhabited and stewarded by the Arapaho and Cheyenne people. Right Relationship Boulder formed in 2017 to work with the tribes to welcome them to their homeland. Boulder’s Open Space department is considering positive ways to develop the site of Fort Chambers, near … Continue reading Reckoning with Boulder’s History of Treatment of Indigenous People, and Building Right Relationships Today

When the Cat’s Away: Reassuring We Will Be Fine

As Rev. Lydia is sent off for sabbatical to rest and replenish her spirit, we, as members and friends of the Fellowship, still have much loving work to do. This Sunday we will explore what it means to be a free church, our congregational polity, and the objectives we remain committed to, even with the … Continue reading When the Cat’s Away: Reassuring We Will Be Fine

What Now?

On this first Sunday after the election, we gather as a community of love and justice. At the writing of this blurb, we don’t know what Nov 3rd will bring. But we do know that we are stronger and more resilient together. This service will include some time for small group sharing of what’s in … Continue reading What Now?

Sources: Humanist

 Humanism is considered a “UU source” — and this service will show how Humanism significantly *overlaps* our Seven Principles and how modern Humanism was launched by Unitarians about 100 years ago. Besides clarifying what modern Humanism is, we’ll hear the story of a BVUUFer who came to a “Humanist-flavored” UUism after spending most of his … Continue reading Sources: Humanist

Compassion: Cultivating Compassion

All world religions include something like the Golden Rule: treat others as you wish to be treated. This Sunday, we will explore how we can deepen our compassion; how we can open our hearts to care for others as we ourselves wish to be cared for. Recorded Zoom service

Courageous Love Transforms the World

In the third week of our series, we focus on the Jagged Rock: Courageous Love Transforms the World with a tribute to the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. For 80 years the UUSC has been on the forefront of social justice movements. Their humanitarian work focuses on collaborating with grassroots movements around the world to advance human rights and human dignity. The UUSC is one tangible, visible way that our courageous love has transformed the world.