Topic: Courage

Building Dedication Sunday — special 1 1/2 hour service

Join us for this long-awaited special one and a half hour service to celebrate the milestone of our new building! In this morning of story-telling and ritual, we’ll celebrate a job well done, and covenant to our vision of being that Center for Spiritual Exploration and Justice-Making both within and beyond the walls of this … Continue reading Building Dedication Sunday — special 1 1/2 hour service

The Courage to Name our History: The Unitarians and the Utes

In the 1870s, the American Unitarian Association (AUA) accepted an invitation from the Federal government to have Protestant congregations take over the management of American Indian reservations and agencies. The hope was to cut down on government corruption while still trying to ‘civilize’ the Indians. Unitarians were given charge of the district covering the Colorado … Continue reading The Courage to Name our History: The Unitarians and the Utes

Stay Hopeful

Bryan Stevenson tells us that “hopelessness is the enemy of justice.” It is literally our responsibility in these times to stay hopeful.  Where do we turn when our hearts are broken again and again?  How do we sustain ourselves?  Dear ones, come join us in community.  It is the only way.    

Everyday Race

It’s about you and me. Join us for a powerful service, with guest healer/poet/racial justice facilitator, Norma Johnson, and musician and peace activist, Dexter Payne. Their offering will take us on a creative journey of Race, to delve into its persistent everydayness in our racialized society.    

Change the Narrative

What’s the story we tell about ourselves? Our country? Our world?  How do our common national narratives keep oppression in its place? Does changing narratives really make a difference?  How about those who have the courage to change the narrative of their lives?     Reflection – Janet Meyer   Reflection – Rev. Lydia Ferrante-Roseberry