Topic: Creativity

Music Sunday

Music is interwoven with so many aspects of our lives and our UU faith. No matter what obstacle, joy, revelation, or sorrow we may be experiencing, music is there to offer comfort, connnection and celebration. Join us today as our Fellowship Choir, Vocal Chamber Group, … read more.

New Perspectives on Memorial Day

Our one 10 a.m. service for Memorial Day is about getting past the ambivalence we may have about wars so that we can both recognize our own universal human vulnerability and be thankful for what others have sacrificed — most of them involuntarily — so … read more.

Unclouded Day: Music Sunday with the UUCB Choir

Come join us for a fabulous morning of music when the Fellowship Singers sing with the Choir from our Boulder neighborhood church, Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder.

“On Prayer of the Children”, Rev. Lydia:

“On Unclouded Day”, Rev. Penny Rather: