Topic: Holding History

Holding History, The Joy of Light in the Dark Season

This Sunday marks the first day of Hanukkah and the first Sunday of advent. Both of these traditions have a rich history, both good, and difficult. These celebrations teach us that it is the lights that shine in the darkness that can awaken in us togetherness, joy, and wonder. Recorded Zoom Service Recording

Holding History: Annual Bread Service Thanksgiving: Connection, Gratitude and Honest History

By now, the first Thanksgiving story many of us learned in our elementary schools has been debunked. Can we celebrate abundance and thanksgiving knowing the atrocities of the first settlers? We can if we go back to Indigenous gratitude to the Earth, and its abundance. Today’s service includes having our children make Stone Soup outside, … Continue reading Holding History: Annual Bread Service Thanksgiving: Connection, Gratitude and Honest History

Holding History: The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, then and now.

Unitarian Universalism has a proud history of social justice work, linked to our theological roots in the inherent dignity of all people. Today we explore that history, focusing on the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee’s 80 year history living our UU values, and how we also contribute to making the world better. Recorded Zoom Service Recording

Holding History: Annual Day of Remembrance

On this special Sunday, we’ll have our first indoor multi-platform service since our building was completed! We’ll honor our ancestors, including the founders of this congregation, and take time to memorialize those who have died and whose lives still touch ours. To accomodate Roomies and Zoomies, we’ll have a memorial slide show, as we did … Continue reading Holding History: Annual Day of Remembrance

Halloween Fun and Animal Blessing – All Ages Samhain Animal Blessing Service

On this Halloween Sunday, we’ll see you on Zoom as we pivot because cold weather is predicted for Sunday. We look forward to seeing you and your pets (or momentos of your pets) online in costume! We’ll learn about the pagan fall festival Samhain and bless our animals, both living now and alive in our … Continue reading Halloween Fun and Animal Blessing – All Ages Samhain Animal Blessing Service