Topic: Sources

Sources: Direct Experience

Direct experience is a wellspring for a life of faith where the everyday becomes luminous. Transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures, is one UU source. Join us this Sunday for a contemplative service as we explore stories of mysticism woven fine throughout UU history and still alive today. Recorded Zoom service

Sources: Christian Heritage “Brunch Church” SPECIAL NOTE: This service starts at 10:15 a.m.

The leaders of the Longmont UU Presence, Boulder Valley UU Fellowship and the UU Church of Boulder invite you to participate in this special service, where we’ll bite into our Christian heritage. The Moravian Christian Church worshiped together with a “Lovefeast” – a worshipful communal meal. Our Unitarian tradition is rooted in this strand of … Continue reading Sources: Christian Heritage “Brunch Church” SPECIAL NOTE: This service starts at 10:15 a.m.

Earth and Spirit, Blessed Be: Our Earth-based Sources

From the beginning, people paid attention to the cycles of life, nature, and the earth. To many, this was their religion. Most of these belief systems respect the earth and many concentrate on the feminine aspect of the cycles of life. We’ll take a brief look at what some of those views are and how it relates to us as UUs.  Karin Griglak, leading, and Eric Williams, Service Associate. 

The Gift of Eternal Presence

Larry Laverdure and Jean Nuttall, Service Associates. Come explore how Buddhist teachings help us live in the present and appreciate our oneness with all beings. This exploration will invite your reflections as well as your usual Sunday participation.   “The Illusional Self”, Larry LaVerdure: